Board POlicy
Continuity of the Board
1000 - Legal Status and Operation
1010 - Organization and Classification
School Board Elections
1100 - Membership
1110 - Elections
1110P - Candidate Edification
1120 - Taking Office
1120P - Oath of Office
1130 - Resignation
1140 - Vacancies
1500 - Board Meeting procedure
Organization and Government of the Board
1200 - Annual Organization Meeting
1205 - School Board Powers and Duties
1210 - Qualifications, Terms, and Duties of Board Officers
1220 - Clerk
1230 - Duties of the Treasurer
1240 - Duties of Individual Trustees
1250 - Committees
1260 - Authorization of Signatures and Electronic Signatures
1300 - District Policy
1303 - Policies and Proceudres to Review Annually
1310 - Administrative Procedures
1313 - Conflicting Policies and Procedures
1315 - District Planning
1320 - Management Rights
Principals of Operations
1400 - Board/Staff Communications
1405 - School Board Use of Email and Social Media
1410 - Board/Superintendent Relationship
1420 - Trustee Expenses
1430 - Trustee Insurance
1440 - Board Participation in Activities
Board Meetings and Board Meeting Procedures
1500 - Board Meetings
1500P - Board Meeting Procedures
1510 - Open Meeting Law Compliance and Cure
1525 - Board Meeting News Coverage
Board Ethics, Growth and Development
1600 - Code of Ethics for School Board Members
1610 - Conflict of Interest
1615 - Trustee Spouse Employment
1620 - Board Goals and Objectives
1630 - Evaluation of Board
1640 - Inservice Conference for Trustees
1645 - Board Development Opportunities
1650 - New Board Member Workshop
2000 - Goals
2100 - Curriculum Development and Assessment
2110 - Lesson Plan
2120 - Program Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests
2125 - K-3 Reading Intervention
2130 - Research Studies
2140 - Student and Family Privacy Rights
2140F - Student and Family Privacy Rights - Consent Form
2150 -Copyright
2150P - Copyright Compliance
2160 - Computer Science Requirement
Instructional Organization
2200 - School Year, Calendar, and Instructional Hours
2210 - School Closure
2210P - School Closure
2210P2 - Health Emergency Related School Closure
2215 - Air Quality Restrictions on Outdoor Activities, Practice, and Competition
2220 - PreKindergarten Programs
2230 - Grade Organization
2240 - Class Size
Programs and Services
2300 - Guidance and Counseling
2303 - Required Elementary Instruction Offerings
2305 - Nutrition Services
2310 - Nutrition Education
2315 - Physical Activity Opportunities and Physical Education
2320 - Health Enhancement Education
2325 - Driver Training Education
2335 - Digital Citizenship and Safety Education
2340 - Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom
2340F - Parental Opt-Out Form for Sex Education
2345 - Speakers in the Classroom and at School Functions
2345P - Controversial Speakers Procedure
2350 - Student Religious Activity at School
2355 - Release Time
2360 - Interscholastic Activities
2365 - Participation of Private School Studens in Federally Funded District Programs
2370 - Homebound, Hospital, and Home Instruction
2375 - Idaho Digital Learning Academy Classes
2385 - English learners program
Special or Alternative Instruction
2400 - Special Education
2410 - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
2410P - Section 504 of th Rehabilitation Act of 1974
2415 - Supporting Students with Characteristics of Dyslexia
2420 - Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement
2420P - Parent and Family Engagement Guidelines
2425 - Parental Rights
2425F - Efforts to Notify Parents/Guardians of Changes in Studetn Health or Wellbeing
2425P - Parent/Guardian Notification of Changes in Health and Well Being
2460 - Extended Learning Opportunities
2470F - Application for Self Directed Learner Status
2470P - Self Directed Learner Procedure
Instructional Materials
2500 - Library Materials
2500F1 - Library materials
2510 - Selection of Library Materials
2510P - Selection of Library Materials
2520 - Curricular Materials
2530 - Learning Materials Review
2530F1 - Learning Materials review
2540 - Selection and Adoption and Removal of Curricular Materials
2550 - Field Trips, Excusrions, and Outdoor Education
2560 - Contests for Students
2570 - Use of Comercially Produced Video Recordings
2570F - Parental Movie Opt-Out Consent Form
2580 - Use of Animals in Educational Programs
2580F - Student Permission for Exposure to Animals
2580P - District Procedure on Dissection of Animals
2585 - Use of Therapy Dogs in the District
2585F - Therapy Dog Plan
Grading and Promotion
2600 - Promotion-Retention-Placement Grades K-5
2605 - Advancement Requirements Grades 6-9
2610 - Advancement Requirements (9-12)
2620 - Grading and Progress Reports
2625 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
2630 - Homework
2700 - High School Graduation Requirements
2700P - High School Graduation Requirements
2705 - Military Compact Waiver
2720 - Participation in Commencement Exercises
2800 - Accrediation Standards
3000 - Entrance, Placement, and Transfer
3010 - Open Enrollment by Students who Reside Within and Outside the District
3010F - Open Enrollment Application
3010P - Open Enrollment Procedure
3020 - Enrollment and Attendance Records
3020P - Enrollment and Attendance Records
3030 - Part Time Attendance Dual Enrollment
ExtraCurricular Activities
3031 - Eligibility for Students not Enrolled for Academic Activities
Enrollment and Attendance
3040 - Compulsory Attendance
3040F1 - Compulsory Attendance Form
3040F2 - Compulsory Attendance Form 2
3050 - Attendance Policy
3060 - Education of Homeless Children
3070 - Student by Legal Age
3080 - Attendance by Out of State Students
3085 - Title IX
3085F - Title IX Form - Notice of Investigation and Allegation Template
3085P - Title IX Procedures
3090A1 - Foreign Exchange Students
Student Rights and Responsibilities
3200 - Student Rights and Responsibilities
3220 - Student Use of Buildings - Equal Access
3225 - Student Clubs - Equal Access
3225F - Student Club Risk Management Plan
3230 - Student Government
3240 - Student Publications
3250 - Distribution and Posting of Materials
3255 - Student Dress
3270 - District Provided Access to Electronic Information, Services,and Networks
3270P - District Provided Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks
3270F - Internet Access Conduct Agreement
3275 - Students Allowed to Take Devices Home
3275F - Students Allowed to Take Devices Home
3280 - Equal Education Nondiscrimination and Sex Equity
3285 - Relationship Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
3290 - Sexual Harassment - Intimidation of Students
3290F - Harassment Reporting Form for Students
3295 - Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Menacing
3295P - Procedure
3297 - Names Pronouns and Titles
3300 - Drug Free School Zone
3305 - Prohibition of Tobacco Posession and Use
3310 - Gangs and Gang Activity
3320 - Substance and Alcohol Abuse
3330 - Student Discipline
3335 - Academic Honesty
3340 - Corrective Actions and Punishment
3340P - Corrective Actions and Punishment
3345 - Use of Restraint, Seclusion, and Aversive Techniques for Students
3350 - Detention
3360 - Discipline of Students with Disabilities
3365 - Student Sex Offenders
3370 - Search and Seizures
3370P - Searches and Seizures
3380 - Extracurriculur and Co-Curricular Participation Policy
3390 - Extra and Co-Curricular Chemical Use Policy
3400 - Extracurricular Activities Drug Testing Program
3400F - Kamiah Joint School Districts ExtraCurricular Activity Consent Form
3430 - Distribution of Fun Drive Literature through Students
3440 - Student Fees, Fines, and Charges Return of Property
3450 - Student Vehichle Parking
3460 - School Related Foreign Travel by Students
Student Protection
3500 - Student Helath Physical Screenings Examinations
3500F - Notice of Health Services
3505 - Concussion Protocol
3505F1 - Acknowledgement of Receipt of Concussion Guidelines
3505F2 - Authorization to Return to Play to Participate in Student Sports
3510 - Student Medicines
3510F2 - Indemnifications Hold Harmless Agreement for Self Administrators of Medication
3515 - Food Allergy Management
3515F - Emergency Care Plan
3515P - Food Allergy Management
3520 - Contagious or Infection Diseases
3523 - Head Lice (Pediculosis)
3525 - Immunization Requirements
3530 - Suicide
3540 - Emergency Treatment
3545 - Student Interviews, Interrogations, or Arrests
3545F1 - Student Arrest Form
3550 - Removal of a Student During School Hours
3550P - Removal of Student During School Hours
3560 - Video Surveillance
3563 - Student Tracking Safety Devices
3565 - Termination of Driving Privileges
3570 - Student Records
3570P - Student REcords
3575 - Student Data Privacy and Security
3580A2 - Relations with Non-Custodial Parents
3610 - Records of Missing Children
3620 - Transfer of Student Records
Public Participation
4000 - Goals
4100 - Public Relations
4105 - Public Participation in Board Meetings
4105F - Request to Address the Board
4110 - Community Relations
4120 - Uniform Grievance Policy
4130 - Public Access to District Webiste
4140 - Visitors to the School
4150 - Accomodating Individuals with Disabilities
4160 - Parents Rights to Know Notices
4170 - District of School Operated Social Media
4200 - School Support Organizations
4210 - Community use of School Facilities
4210F1 - Fee Schedule for Community Use of School Facilities
4210F2 - Community Use of School Facilities
4210F3 - Facilities Use Agreement
4210P - Community Use of School Facilities
4225 - Equipment Usage
4230 - Use of School Property for Posting Notices
4250 - Educational Research in District Schools
4260 - Records Available to Public
4260F - District Record Request Form
Public Conduct
4300 - Conduct on School Property
4310 - Contact with Students
4320 - Disruption of School Operations
4330 - Spectator Conduct and Sportsmanship for Athletic and Co-Curricular Events
Relations with Other Agencies
4400 - Relations with the Law Enforcement and Child Protective Agencies
4410 - Investigations and Arrest by Police
4420 - Visitors to District Property, Including Sex Offenders
Public Gifts/Donations
4500 - Public Gifts - Donations to the Schools
4500P - Public Gifts to the Schools - Donations to the Schools
4510 - Public Gifts to the Schools - Donations of Material Equipment Affecting Building Structures or Maintenance
4520 - Soliciting and Accepting Grants or Donations
4530 - Crowdfunding - Fundraising
4530F - Crowdfunding - Funcdraising Request Form
4600 - Volunteer Assistance
4600F1 - Volunteer Assistance
4600F2 - Volunteer Confidentiality
4600P - Volunter Assistance Procedure
4605 - Student Teachers
5000 - Board Goals Personnel
5100 - Hiring Process and Criteria
5100F1 - Authoriation for Release of Information on Past Employment
5100F2 - Request to Employer
5100F3 - Request for Verification for Certificate Status
5100P1 - Procedures for Obtaining Personnel Records for Applicants
5100P2 - Veterans Preferences
5105 - Certificated Personnel Employment
5107 - Informal Review
5110 - Criminal History-Background Checks
5120 - Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
5125 - Reporting New Employees
5130 -Administrative Leave
Employee Rights, Responsbilities and Conduct
5200 - Applicability of Personnel Policies
5205 - Job Descriptions
5210 -Work Day
5220 - Assignments, Reassignments, Transfers
5230 - Accomodating Individuals with Disabilities
5235 - Health Examinations
5240 - Sexual Harrasment Intimidation in the Workplace
5240F - Sexual Harrasment Intimidation in the Workplace Policy Acknowledgement
5250 - Certified Staff Grievances
5260 - Abused and Neglecte Child Reporting
5260F - Report of Suspected Child Abuse, Abandonment, or Neglect
5265 - Employee Responsibilities Regarding Student Harrassment Intimidation and Bullying
5270 - Personal Conduct
5275 - Adult Sexual Misconduct
5280 - Professional Standards Commission - Code of Ethics
5285 - Solicitations
5290 - Political Activity- Staff Participations
5295 - Professional Employee Representation for Purposes of Negotiations
5310 - Tobacco Free Policy
5320 - Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace
5320F2 - Drug and Alcohol Testing Agreement
5320P - Drug and Alcohol Abuse Testing Program and Procedure
5325 - Employee Use of Social Media Sites, Including Personal Sites
5325P - Recommended Practices for Use of Social Media Sites
5330 - Employee Electonic Mail and Online Service Usage
5335A1 - Employee Use of Electronic Communications Devices
5340 - Evaluation of Certified Personnel
5340F - Parent and Guardian Input From - Classroom Teacher Evaluation
5350 - Certified Personnel Resignation (Release from Contract)
5360 - Dress and Appearance
5370 - Non School Employment by Professional Staff Members
5380 - Professional Reserach and Publishing
5390 - Employment Referrals and Prevention of Sexual Abuse
5395 - Whistleblowing
5400 - Leaves of Absence
5405 - Proof of Illness for Sick Leave
5410 - Family and Medical Leave
5410P - Family and Medical Leave Prcedure
5412 - Jury Duty
5413 - Witness for Court Appearance Leave
5420 - Long Term Illness - Temporary Disability
5420P - Long Term Illness - Temporary Disability
5430 - Insurance Benefits for Employees - Trustees
5440 - School Holidays
5450 - Vacation Leave
5460 - Workers' Compensation Benefits
5470 - Leaves of Absence - Military Leave
5500 - Personnel Files
5500P - Procedures for Releasing Personnel Records to Hiring School
5600 - Staff Health
5610 - Prevention of Disease Transmission
5620 - Safety Managemetn Program and District Personnel
5700 - Substitutes
5710 - Paraprofessionals, Teachers' Aides and Paraeducators
5725 - Private Service Providers - Consultants
5730 - Volunteer - Authorization to Release Information
5740 - Reduction in Force
5740PA1 - Reduction in Force Procedures
5750 - Employeeing Retired Teachers and Administrators
5751 - Employing Retired School Resource Officers and Employees Eligible to Drive a School Bus
Classified Employees
5800 - Classified Employment, Assignment, and Grievance
5800P - Classified Employee Grievance Procedure
5810 - Compensatory Time and Overtime for Classified Employees
5815A2 - Employee Compensation Non-Annualized Election
5815A2F - Notice of Salary Payments for Ten Month Employees
5825 - Evaluation of School Bus Drivers
5830 - Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers
5830P - Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers
Administrative Staff
6000 - Goals
6100 - Superintendent
6100P - Board - Superintendent Relations
6200 - District Organization
6300 - Duties and Qualifications of Adminstrative Staff Other than the Superintendent
6310 - Employment Restrictions for Administrative Personnel
6320 - Evaluation of Administrative Staff
6330 - Professional Growth and Development
6400 - Evaluation of Administrators
6400F - Evaluation of Administrators Parents/Guardians Input Form
Financial Management
7000 - Goals
7010 - Equivalence in Instructional Staff and Materials
7100 - Budget and Program Planning
7110 - Budget Implementation and Execution
7120 - Budget Adjustments
7200 - Accounting System Design
7210 - Fixed Assets and Management Discussion and Analysis GASB Statement
7215 - Fund Accounting System (GASB Statement 54)
7218 - Federal Grant Financial Management System
7220 - Documentation and Approval of Claims
7225 - Financial Fraud and Theft Prevention
7230 - Financial Reporting and Audits
7235 - Fiscal Accountability and IDEA Part B Funds
7235F1 - Federal Funds Semi-Annual Certification Form
7235F2 - Personnel Activity Report
7235PF1 - Personnel Activity Rerport
7235PF2 - Single Federal Award or Cost Objective
7236 - Employees Paid with Federal Funds and Unexpectex or Extraordinary Closures
7237 - Retention of Records Relating to Federal Grants
7240 - Indian Policies and Procedures
7260 - Student Activity Fund
7270 - Property Records
Accounting System
7300 - Revenues
7305 - Investment of Funds
7307 - Depositing of Funds
7307F - Depositing of Funds Form
7310 - Advertising in Schools - Revenue Enhancement
7320P1 - Determining Necessity and Reasonableness of Expenses
7320P2 - Selected Items of Cost
7320 - Allowable Use for Grant Funds
7400 - Miscellaneous Procurement Standards
7400P1 - Federal Awards Requirements
7400P2 - Procurement Methods under a Federal Grant
7400P3 - Requirements and Restrictions for Procurement Under a Federal Award
7400P4 - General Procurement Standards for Federal Awards
7402 - Restriction on Contracts
7403 - Procurement of Goods and Services for School Meal Programs
7405 - Public Works Contracting and Procurement
7405P - Procuring Public Works Services and Personal Property
7407 - Public Procurement of Goods and Services
7408 - Entering into Professional Services Contracts
7409 - Acquisition of Real and Personal Property
7410 - Petty Cash Funds
7420 - Personal Reimbursements
7430 - Travel Allowances and Expenses
7440 - District Credit Cards
7440F - District Credit Card Holder Agreement
7450 - Federal Cash Management Policy
7450P1 - Timely Obligation of Funds
7450P2 - Federal Program Income
7455 - Federal Disbarment and Suspension
7460 - Use of Public Funds- Prohibition on Contracting with Abortion Providers
7500 - New Fees or Increase in Fees
7600 - Declaration of Financial Emergency
7700 - Bond of Account
Non-Instructional Operations
8000 - Goals
Extracurricular Transportation
8100 - Transportation
8105 - Extracurricular Transportation
8105F - Extracurricular Transportation Liability Waiver
8105P - Extracurricular Transportation Discipline
8110 - Safety Busing
8110F - Measuring Instruments Walking Students
8115 - Hours of Service Drivers
8120 - Bus Routes, Stops, and Non Transportation Zones
8130 - Transportation of Students with Disabilities
8140 - Student Conduct on Buses
8150 - Unauthorized School Bus Entry
8160 - Contracting for Transportation Services
8170 - District Owned Vehicles
8170P - District Owned Vehicles
8180 - Driver Training and Responsibility
8185 - Use of Wireless Communication Devices by Bus Drivers
8190 - Emergencies Involving Transportation Vehicles
8195 - District Vehicle Idling
Food Services
8200 - Local School Wellness
8210 - District Nutrition Committee
8220 - Food Servcies
8230 - Nutrition Standards
8235 - Water Consumption Water Bottle Policy
8240 - School Meals
8245 - Unpaid School Meal Charges
8250 - Guidelines for Food and Beverages Sales
8270 - Teacher to Student Incentives
8300 - Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
8310 - Automated External Defibrillators
8320 - Fire Drill and Evacuation Plans
8320P - Emergency Drills, Rules, and Procedures
8500 - Risk Management
8510 - District Safety
8520 - Inspection of School Facilities
8530 - Property Damage
8600 - Records Management
8605 - Retention of District Records
8610 - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
8700 - Computer Software
8800 - Drones
School Facilities
9000 - Goals
9100 - Use and Disposal of School Property
9200 - Contractor License, Surety Bonds, and Insurance
9300 - Operation and Maintenance of District Facilities
9400 - Safety Program
9500 - Security
9600 - Facilities Operations
9605 - Facilities Separated by Sex
9700 - District Wide Asbestos Program
9705 - Hazard Mitigation - Chemistry Lab Disposal
9800 - Naming of School Facilities
9802 - Display of National Motto
9805 - Memorials on School Grounds